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You're such a fucking joke!

It was UNBEARABLE enough growing up hearing girls in class tell me things like this...

But when my SUPERMODEL girlfriend, Veronica, spat them in my face while I lay on there floor of her apartment BALLING my eyes out, BEGGING her not to break up with me, I knew that my life had reached an all time low...

Tears were streaming down my face, feelings of TERROR and DISTRESS coursed through my veins just thinking about what my life would be like without her...

In between the SOBS and SNIFFLES, I promised to do anything she wanted, that I would change, that things would be different, that I would do WHATEVER it took to make her happy...

Hell... I even promised to learn spanish so I could speak to her in her native tongue...

Yeah... I was DESPERATE

She only glared at me, her face riddled with PITY and DISAPPOINTMENT.

When she rolled her eyes in DISGUST all those memories of the girls in high school giggling at me when I got rejected by my BIGGEST crush came RUSHING back like a tsunami of pain and embarrassment...

The SHAME, the SADNESS, the GUT WRENCHING feeling of failure eating away at me from the inside...

We had been together for 6 months and she was BY FAR the HOTTEST girl I had ever been with at that point in my life...

Delicious Caramel Hard Candy...

She had long, wavy brown hair, caramel colored skin that made you want to eat her up like a DELICIOUS piece of hard candy, and a body so SEXY that it would give a 90 year old man with blood flow like molasses a hard on...

Back then, I was a FRAGILE shell of a man, and as my tears pooled up on the tile floor beneath me, it was OBVIOUS to her that my confidence was only a facade...

Right then and there, as I lay curled up on the floor, it felt like my masculinity had SHRIVELED up like a sun dried tomato, and my relationship was crumbling before my very eyes...

When she finally parted her LUSCIOUS lips, only five words came out of her mouth...

You're such a fucking joke!

How My World Shattered To Pieces...

Hearing those words from this goddess of a woman that I practically worshipped felt like a divine being had just hocked a GIANT loogie right in my face...

She turned her back on me, leaving me curled up on the floor lying in a pool of my own MISERABLE tears...

I made one final, last ditched attempt to prevent her from leaving, because I knew if she did it would be the last time I ever saw her...

Before she kicked me out, I FRANTICALLY crawled towards her and begged in DESPERATION...

Please don't leave me ! My life will NEVER be the same without you! I'll do ANYTHING to change your mind!”

She turned around, and uttered the last words she ever said to me...

You've already shown me what kind of man you are, and it's not the kind of man I want

This was not the first time a girl I was ABSOLUTELY crazy about had stomped on my heart...

In fact, up until this point, every girl I ever dated dumped me...

It got to the point where I didn't even want to get into a relationship again because I was TERRIFIED that any girl I dated would end up ripping my heart to shreds and blending up the bits into a smoothie of sorrow...

But, I thought Veronica was different than the others...

I thought she was the one...

How To Rebuild Your World After It's Been Shattered?

After she left me with my heart in my hands, ruptured and bleeding, I was feeling depressed, angry, and desperate for a solution that would solve my problems once and for all...

I didn't just want a band aid to stop the bleeding. I wanted a CURE that would stop me from ever getting hurt in the first place...

I wanted to be the one in the driver's seat, NOT her...

I craved an ANTIDOTE that would solve this problem once and for all...

One that would satisfy my BURNING desire to be in control of my relationships...

After Veronica, I couldn't lie to myself anymore...

Oh and I forgot to mention, not only was I left HEARTBROKEN by Veronica, but my friend Stephen went after her... and my business partner in the start up I was trying to launch told me he wanted me gone ... all in a 2 week period...

Talk about ROCK BOTTOM... I felt like I was hurled into f the deepest darkest trench in the ocean...

I had to confront the HARSH reality that I needed to make a change, and FAST...

The Answer Came From An Unexpected Genius...

It was Einstein that said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...

I couldn't keep doing what I was doing and keep getting the same PAINFUL results...

ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH... it was time to start doing things differently...

I knew I wasn't ready for another girl in my life... not yet anyways...

I needed to take some time to myself and figure out what the hell I was doing that kept landing me on the receiving end of catastrophe and heartbreak...

Why things kept BLOWING UP in my face after a few months of dating a girl...

And why I felt like a total fuck up who just couldn't seem do anything right...

Here's What I Learned About Why Guys Fail Again And Again... With Women And Life

Then I discovered something that changed EVERYTHING... not just in my relationships with women, but my entire outlook on life...

See my problem wasn't GETTING women interested in me...

My problem was KEEPING them interested in me...

There's plenty of advice and tips out there giving you all sorts of lines and tricks for making women attracted to you

Which is all well and good, no harm in having a few tricks up your sleeve to pull out when you need em...

But I knew what I needed wasn't a quick fix...

I needed a CURE, a RADICAL, lasting change in my life that would ignite my innate masculine power and awake the beast within...

See I had become an expert on getting girlfriends, and REALLY hot ones too...

You know, the kind of girls that your buddies see you with and go “WHO is THAT?”...

But it was like I was stuck in some evil recurring dream, being forced to relive the same agonizing experience of getting dumped over and over again...

Do You Have This Repeating Nightmare Too?

The WORST form of Deja vu you can imagine...

And it absolutely KILLED my self esteem and my confidence...

Even though I was able to attract high quality women into my life, there was still something inside of me that still felt DEEPLY INADEQUATE...

Some inner piece of me knew I needed an upgrade in my identity as a man...

When I would talk to women back then it felt like I was putting on an act...

When I met a new girl, I would pretend to be this fun, upbeat person with all kinds of witty banter, and cocky lines to make me seem more confident...

But I would get this knot in the pit of my stomach every time a girl tested or challenged me...

I became TERRIFIED she would realize I wasn't the man she thought I was...

PRAYING she didn't see through my act...

Because the truth is, I thought I needed to come up with all these clever and fun things to say to keep her attention...

I thought that if I was just my normal, BORING self she would stop talking to me...

I was repeatedly left standing NAKED and EXPOSED, alone in my misery, looking like a fraud and feeling like a loser...

Experience had taught me that this was MY reality...

But I soon found out that it didn't have to be, that my reality was more malleable than I ever thought possible...

I'll let you in on a little secret that I had to learn the HARD way....

The truth is... no matter how many openers you've perfected... no matter how many routines you've memorized... sooner or later...

From Your Worst Nightmare... To Your Wildest Dreams... It's All In Your Genes

A woman will discover who you really are...

You're either a winner, or you're a loser... and women just don't stay with losers...

Up to that point in my life, I'd definitely been a loser...

But it should be obvious: it is in a woman's DNA to seek out a man who has a “winner genes”...

Her DNA wants her eggs to be fertilized with the very best sperm out there. It doesn't want her children to grow up with “loser's” sperm...

And because I felt like a loser, even if pretended to be a winner, in the long run it didn't matter...

I couldn't “just be myself” like every well intentioned but clueless friend and family member had told me...

All that got me was more DISAPPOINTMENT and SADNESS...

If I could make a woman my girlfriend (but couldn't keep her around)... if I couldn't hold down a steady job... if I couldn't get my lazy ass into shape...

... well, something about me hell, about my brain just wasn't working right...

It was time for me to stop “being myself” and start being someone way fucking better...

But How Can You Upgrade The Mental “Software” You're Born With?...

I started by accepting one fact:

Something in my brain needed to change...

As you know, our brains are a COMPLEX array of neural networks... billions and billions of neurons. That's the HARDWARE of our mind....

And I realized that it's possible for the brain's hardware to do just about anything... get sixpack abs, date a perfect ten model, get rich, build an empire, or fly to the moon.

If other people can do it, then so can you and I...

Yet your brain's hardware is NOTHING without good software....

And that's obviously where I needed an UPGRADE...

I spent the next eight months, jobless and surviving on freelance graphic design work, trying to unravel this mystery:

What was the “software” of the world's most successful men? The winners, the champions, the playboys, the CEOs, the Presidents...

I spent all my waking hours searching for the mental software that would change my reality from feeling like a bum to living like a boss...

Can The Right “Mental Upgrade” Also Trigger A Change In Your Genes?

Then one day I discovered something truly eye opening... something that quite literally altered my reality...

I'm not sure how much you know about genetics...

As you probably learned in school, your DNA is a coil of genetic codes that controls your biology and psychology...

When one of the genes in the code is “expressed”, a set of instructions gets sent to your brain directing your body how to respond...

And the “old view” is that genes cause everything, from what you look like to how you behave...

I used to believe this too...

Then I started reading up on biology and behavioral psychology...

I learned that different genes get expressed at different times depending on your environment...

And humans evolved certain rules for how to act based on which genes are expressed...

These rules are referred to by scientists as “conditional behavioral strategies”...

It's fascinating stuff and the science has evolved a LOT since I discovered it in 2008...

Here' a quote from a recent podcast with Dr. Glen Geher, a leading expert in evolutionary psychology, where he explains more about it...

It's a little long but it may just be the MOST important paragraph you'll ever read...

“From an evolutionary perspective, behavioral flexibility as a function of environment is probably as much the core idea as anything else. What you see is that many behaviors are fully dependent on environmental conditions. The behavioral rules that evolve are not just do X. It's do X, but when Z happens, do Y. We call this conditional strategism or conditional behavioral strategies and in humans we have evolved a host of behavioral patterns that clearly and without question are conditional based on environmental context .”

Now I know that's a lot of scientific babble, but the important part is that you're not a slave to “loser genes.”

You're not forever condemned to awful failures with women and life.

You have a whole bunch of genes that only get triggered in response to certain environmental cues...

Your “success genes”, the ones that activate your innate masculine power and inner confidence, just need the right conditions to be “expressed”...

Once you learn how to create these conditions for yourself, your behavior changes AUTOMATICALLY in response to the changes in your environment...

After learning this, I realized that I wasn't doomed to live the rest of my life with the

“loser genes” that had plagued my relationships with women....

Up until then, my environment simply didn't contain the right cues to trigger the “success genes” that laid dormant inside of me...

Once I realized this I began to make some MAJOR changes in my life...

I stopped masturbating...

I stopped eating unhealthy, energy draining foods...

I stopped the onslaught of self sabotage that had become a natural tendency after being dumped in such spectacularly embarrassing fashion...

Instead, I introduced a few simple habits into my life that made a HUGE difference...

I started exercising regularly...

Writing more often...

And meditating in the afternoon and evenings...

Pretty soon, I began to feel the mood enhancing effects in my daily life...

After about 6 months I was more clear headed and focused than ever before...

Discovering The Door To A Hidden Reality...

I'm not sure exactly what caused it...

Maybe the lack of masturbation combined with all that meditating stimulated my brain in some unique way or something...

But, one fateful Sunday afternoon...

I was struck by a flash of genius like a lightning bolt straight out of the sky...

Here's the story and I swear this actually happened I couldn't make this up if I tried...

I was sitting in my favorite chair, entranced in a state of DEEP meditation...

When it dawned on me...

I won't go so far as to say I reached enlightenment, but I felt as if the spirit of the Buddha had been transmitted through the bowels of the universe straight into my soul....

This state of UNBELIEVABLE clarity suddenly washed over me...

I began to see EVERYTHING myself, my current life, and the world at large from a detached perspective...

It felt as if I was no longer immersed in the “real world”... instead, I was some kind of ghost, floating over my body... peering into the inner workings of my life through a looking glass of enlightenment...

I saw “reality” differently... liberated from the constraints of my self doubt, and able to pinpoint EXACTLY where I had been failing in my past relationships...

I could identify the thought patterns that kept me stuck in the same rut, perpetuating the same miserable cycle of despair, disappointment, and loneliness...

I saw social interactions and “game” in a COMPLETELY new way too...

Every word, body movement, and facial expression took on a new meaning, it was like I could see the hidden meaning behind each tiny act of communication...

The link between a person's thoughts, communication, and actions suddenly became clear, bringing to light a whole new set of concepts for understanding social dynamics...

It was the one of the most magnificently surreal experiences I've ever had...

How To Unlock Genetic Excellence... It All Starts By “Provoking” New Genes

My new insights on social interaction combined with my discovery about how to provoke new genes led to a reality altering epiphany...

The elite “software system” I had been searching for isn't found in the brain... it's been in my GENES this whole time!

Remember, different conditions cause different genes to be expressed... And our behaviors change depending on which combination of genes are being expressed at any given time...

The “data” that makes up this “success software” is coded into your genes and provoking them in new ways causes you to act in ways you never thought possible...

If you want to act with effortless confidence and adopt the behaviors proven to ELEVATE your success, you simply have to provoke the right genes enough times for those behaviors to become natural and automatic...

What I discovered is that the most confident and charismatic men The Leonardo DiCaprio's and George Clooney's of the world understand how to manipulate social situations to create the PERFECT conditions for their “success genes” to be triggered...

High achievers in every domain of life from athletes, to authors, to business executives are masters of environmental control...

They have become EXPERTS at adopting the optimal “conditional behavioral strategies” for MAXIMUM success...

I realized all I had to do was figure out how to reliably create these conditions and the extraordinary success of the world's greatest men could be replicated by ANYONE...

I spent the next week trying to figure out the best way to apply these ideas to get my dating life back on track...

Opening The Door To My Upgraded


The following Friday, I was out at a bar and I met a woman named Diana...

Immediately we just clicked, it was so EFFORTLESS and NATURAL, it seemed too good to be true...

The connection we had was magical...

All the fear, insecurity and worry that strangled my ability to express myself in the past was simply no longer part of my reality...

Everything went so smoothly right from the start... my charm was firing on all cylinders...

It was like I could do no wrong in her eyes...

All the crippling anxiety that sabotaged my previous relationships was nonexistent with Diana...

She was CRAZY about me dude! The REAL me too! I mean she would make me dinner, buy me gifts, she even spent 2 days hand making a Halloween costume for me (talk about devotion!)...

My new reality was that this woman would do anything for me .

I was the one who decided to break up with her after six months... more adventures beckoned.

After Diana, I was more CONFIDENT, more CHARISMATIC, more INDEPENDENT, and finally felt COMFORTABLE expressing myself around women without the fear of rejection CHOKING my every word...

All the limiting beliefs that held me back in the past no longer seemed relevant, they completely vanished when I was with Diana...

Seeing this GORGEOUS woman falling head over heels for the new me was all the validation I needed that what I had discovered REALLY WORKS...

Up until Diana, my life had been on one massive downward spiral which culminated in the horrible breakup with Veronica...

But starting with my epiphany, my life started to get back on the upswing...

Once I started I started controlling my environment more I saw some MASSIVE changes take place...

I started expanding my social circle and hanging out with WAY cooler guys...

In a matter of months, my life had transformed before my very eyes... I honestly couldn't believe how quickly things turned around...

I could barely believe the impact all this had on my love life... I was putting in a fraction of the effort I used to and seeing FAR better results...

I was like an adorable teddy bear covered in chocolate on Valentine's day... Girls could barely keep their hands off me...

The best part was, I wasn't doing anything special to attract these women into my life... high quality women seemed to be NATURALLY drawn to the new me...

The changes were so profound, I knew I had to share this discovery with other guys...

I wanted to help as many men as possible get the INSANE results, both in their personal lives and their relationships with women, that I was experiencing...

How Could I Help More Guys Who Were Struggling Like Me?

So I started teaching some of the material in my weekend bootcamps and the guys absolutely LOVED it...

It was different than any of the other “pickup” advice they had heard before... and it worked WAY better than anything they had tried in the past...

Once I saw the TREMENDOUS results both myself and my clients were experiencing, I knew I had to share my breakthrough with as many guys as possible...

So I took all the best, most effective material from my bootcamps and started creating an online program...

I scoured textbooks and scientific journals, searching for every piece of information about gene expression, behavioral conditioning, and the psychology of success...

I took all the complex science and boiled it down into easily digestible parts, combining cutting edge research with practical knowledge...

And put everything into one simple step by step program...

The cool parts is the “success genes” the ones that evoke your most attractive masculine characteristics are already part of your genetic makeup...

All you have to do is learn which environmental cues activate them...

The system I designed makes it easy to identify and control these cues in your own life, making it possible for ANYONE to replicate the elite lifestyle that only the world's most esteemed and successful men enjoy...

Once you learn to strategically use these cues in your own life, your “success genes” will SEEP through your pores INFUSING your every word and movement with the scent of a victorious badass who gets what he wants in life...

You'll finally know what it feels like to have the winning attitude that attracts wealth, women, and friends into your life like moths to a flame...

How To Get Models CHASING You...

When I taught this system to a private client of mine named Dave, he came home with a GORGEOUS latina swimsuit model THE VERY SAME NIGHT...

Imagine how you would feel if you never had to worry about having STUNNING women in your life again...

Andrew, another client of mine from a small town in Maine, started using my system and two weeks later he sent me a picture of him and his new girlfriend the same girl he had been in the friend zone with since 11th grade...

He told me that when he got back to Maine, she noticed right away how much more confident he was...

And pretty soon, she started looking at him MUCH differently... less like a friend and more like a MAN she wanted to share her life with...

After I taught my system to Joshua, he had so much success using it in NYC that models and actresses, with perfect hourglass figures were CHASING him...

Imagine what it would be like to have an endless streams of beautiful women FIGHTING each other for your attention, BEGGING you to shower them with endless pleasure ...

Sounds pretty fucking awesome don't you think?

If you don't think it's possible right now, I get it... I certainly didn't when I began this journey just a few years ago...

But I assure you the PROFOUND transformation I experienced, becoming a WINNER in all areas of life, is possible for absolutely ANYONE, no matter what you look like or how old you are...

This REVOLUTIONARY system will allow that dream life you're imagining RIGHT NOW

to become your new reality...


UNBREAKABLE The Elite Operating System For Men

Unbreakable is an “instant upgrade” to your confidence and social skills, and it's specifically designed for men...

Unbreakable is based on my research in cutting edge psychology, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and all the stuff that you've NEVER been told by family, friends, religion or the mainstream media...

The best part is, Unbreakable finally solves the “just be yourself” enigma because it transforms you into an upgraded version of yourself...

And shows you EXACTLY how to communicate your TRUE identity in a way that emphasizes your best traits, and flips all the right attraction switches in her mind...

After using my system, you'll radiate UNBREAKABLE CONFIDENCE that attracts female attention like a high beam in the night...

Imagine what that level of confidence could do for you... I'm talking pay raises, more respect from friends and family, admiration from your peers, and of course...

When women notice this change in you... and TRUST ME they will... watch out!

You see, the female brain is hardwired to automatically zero in on a man's “success traits” like a highly sensitive love finding missile, rapidly scanning her surroundings for men that display specific sex positive signals...

And when it finds a match... BOOM!

Explosions of Female Desire...

The missile EXPLODES in a powerful rush of attraction, arousal and INTENSE sexual desire...

Her brain will be pulsing with a flood of pleasure inducing chemicals that make you seem SO ENTICING that she can't keep her hands off you...

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The Unbreakable Operating System quickly and permanently installs confidence, social intelligence, charisma and success habits in you...

You know you want to have this women thing handled. You want consistent, predictable results, with gorgeous women who make you smile...

I can say with 100% confidence that Unbreakable is BY FAR the FASTEST and MOST EFFECTIVE system to make that happen...

FINALLY with Unbreakable you can “just be yourself” and attract gorgeous, high quality women into your life that are CRAZY about you...

ADDICTED to you in the best way possible, CRAVING the pleasure that simply being around you gives them...

Your presence will become INFECTIOUS...

With this newfound confidence, female attraction will become INEVITABLE...

This is POWERFUL information, and I don't want anyone who doesn't have the utmost love and respect for women to get their hands on it...

When I launched Unbreakable for the first time, I took the core of my teachings, and packaged them into an eight week class. It ran $2000 dollars, and I only accepted ten guys...

They came from all levels of experience. Some had been students of “game” for years, some had never taken a course on attraction...

Here's what they had to say about it...

Thomas: "Its Something That I Am Always"

That's how we were able to connect. We were both at that high quality, and I was able to use the outer game skills to attract her at first, to show her I wasn't just some guy, that I had a great personality. And then with the Inner game I was able to learn from Unbreakable as well, I was able to just exude that confidence. Its not just a game, its not just bar game, its something that I am always.

Unbreakable literally was something like... there's gonna be a great girl coming into your life, are you gonna be prepared? And Unbreakable prepared me for it, better than any other program, any other pickup thing I've taken or bought.

At the core, it really changed me, and it made

me realize, it wasn't something I didn't have before. It was something I did have already, and developing skills on how to express that."

Francis: "Amount of Good Responses I 've Gotten Have At Least Tripled"

"I would be approaching girls in the wrong context, and with the concepts from Unbreakable, the main thing that I got out of

it right away was the ability to see who wanted to be approached, and going with the flow of the scene. So that just kind of clicked in my mind. To put it in geeky terms, I felt like after these concepts were introduced to me, I saw the Matrix.

Instead of being an approach machine, I'll catch eye contact of a girl, and just doing something as simple as that, which is part of that social intuition... the amount of good responses I've gotten have at least tripled, because I know she wants to be approached so I just go for it instead of hesitating.

I think that something's great about what you guys are doing is that some guys just want to be a normal cool guy who gets the hottest girls, and I think that's what Unbreakable teaches."

Raj: "Tricks and Techniques Didn't Help Guide Conversations"

"Its two things... first, developing a sense of identity. And second, the confidence and courage to kind of guide that identity throughout the conversation.

Before taking this course, using the "tricks or techniques", they didn't really help guide the conversations because I was letting other peoples' words and ideas that I'd read about

do it. But now its my own identity and beliefs and that guide conversations, and I think that's what I had to realize at the end."

Ethan: "It Reminds Me Of The Feeling I Got While Reading Atlas Shrugged"

Five videos in and my head is spinning. It reminds me of the feeling I got while reading "Atlas Shrugged." Without a doubt the same depth of insight, just in a different topic. And maybe less wordy.

Can't wait to finish it. Already chatted up a half dozen people on the street today. Nick, Christian... PHENOMENAL job!

For anyone on the fence the first videos have been very intellectual which might be intimidating to the bloke who comes in looking for a quick fix, magic bullet but for the "big picture" "want it all" guy that I am, this is turning out to be the most comprehensive breakdown of social interaction I've ever seen.

Are You Man Enough To Finally Take Control Of Your Dating Life?

Wherever your are in your social life, in your dating life... there is a whole world that is just beyond your line of sight that Unbreakable will UNVEIL...

Once you click the “Next Step” button, you can start downloading your newfound confidence directly into your brain IMMEDIATELY...

It will TRANSFORM the way you think about yourself, the world, and how you interact with women...

Giving you complete control over your social life and igniting your sex life like a blowtorch on a kerosene soaked rag...

Unbreakable is an online program that you can access and start watching IMMEDIATELY...

You can begin your transformation RIGHT NOW...

It is over ten hours of material divided into nine "Modules". As long as you have an internet connection, you'll have access (and you can order DVDs if you ever want a backup at home)...

It also includes audio copies of all of the modules as MP3s, and PDFs of the material so you can put it on your smartphone and take it with you on the go

There's a LOT of stuff in there...

TONS of female fantasy inducing wisdom all distilled into one easy to follow system...

Become Her Fantasy...

Once you get your hands on this material, you'll begin to feel the instinctual masculine power inside you RIGHT NOW...

Maybe you're beginning to feel it rising in your chest...

That's the feeling of a challenge...

As you read this, you realize you have an opportunity to make a change...

To TRULY transform yourself, the way you carry yourself in the world, the way you present yourself to others, and of course the INTENSE DESIRE you make women feel...

Imagine if you were that guy that every woman wants to be with...

The guy that women fantasize about making sweet love to all through the night, screaming in ecstasy as she feels every inch of your manhood inside of her...

The guy that commands respect the moment he steps in the room...

The guy who EVERYONE wants to be around...

You can be that guy... YOU ARE THAT GUY,

Unbreakable will reveal everything you need to know to let the most attractive and desirable version of yourself loose...

And MUCH more...

Here's just a glimpse of the material that will install shatterproof confidence permanently into your brain...

The MetaDynamics of Social Interactions
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What Would Unshakable Confidence Do For YOU...

It has literally changed my life to learn this material, to understand it and to live it... Imagine what you could do with PERMANENT confidence INSTALLED into your brain...

Imagine what it would be like to be meeting and dating three to four times the amount of women with less work and more clarity...

Never having to “settle” again. Never feeling inadequate. Never thinking you're not “good enough” for the girls you REALLY want...

Plus, you'll command respect and admiration from the people who matter most - the friends and women in your life who actually get to know the real, confident, charismatic you...

Your relationships will be based on this awesome person who is already inside of you, and you'll find yourself meeting more women than ever before ...

If you've ever heard the advice “just be more confident” and wondered what the hell that even means, don't worry I've been there too and I know how frustrating it is to hear that...

Unbreakable will finally unravel the mystery for you, explaining in vivid detail EXACTLY what confidence is, showing you clear examples of each concept, and unveiling EXACTLY how to radiate the unwavering certainty that women go absolutely CRAZY over...

Whatever it is you want in life, whether it's making more money, attracting higher quality women, having a better social life...

Unbreakable will liberate you from every parasite that's been sucking away your most confident self...

Giving you the confidence you need to make major improvements, from your relationships with women, to your professional life, to your inner self and everything in between...

Why Is Unbreakable Normally So Expensive?

Because your transformation is life changing, and your results come lightning fast... I've already told you that ten guys who took the 8 week course paid $2000 each... You've heard some of their stories these guys unanimously described this as the best thing they've ever participated in...

I'm not going to argue with them...

The results don't lie... I've already sold thousands of copies of this life changing program and the results have been nothing short of EXTRAORDINARY...

We have thousands of success stories from guys all over the world who have COMPLETELY upgraded themselves and their lives using the unprecedented intel inside Unbreakable...

At this point, I know the system works...

It's not some set of lines or tricks that will be ruined if it "gets out there."...

So I want it to get out there... I want to let as many people access it as possible... I want guys to be overcome with the same rush of excitement that I had when I first discovered these breakthrough ideas...

I Almost Gave Dan A Heart Attack...

I want them to have that same flash of insight that changed my life and turned me from a broke, loveless loser to a millionaire with gorgeous fiancee that's absolutely crazy about me...

I LOVE teaching this stuff. I've loved taking the time to make this easily digestible... and implemented in your life rapidly with n o strenuous training exercises required ... We already have hundreds of success stories , from guys in all walks of life. And I want YOURS to be next...

So I've decided to make this absurdly affordable...

In our online retail store, we sell Unbreakable for $297, which is more than a fair price for this revolutionary system...

But I know a lot of guys wouldn't be able to afford that, so I decided to make it even cheaper...

So cheap in fact, that my marketing manager Dan almost had a heart attack when I told him how much I wanted to give Unbreakable away for...

He STRONGLY advised me against it... But I know in my heart how transformative this program will be for you, so I am willing to forgo profits in order to get this in front of as many guys as possible...

Because honestly, I'm not in this business for the money...

Yes I make money doing it, but I'm in this business for the transformations... Helping other guys shed their skin of shyness and morph into an upgraded version of themselves gets me FIRED UP...

I truly want to see you transform your life into one that makes you proud and excited to wake up every morning, knowing the amazing opportunities that await you...

I'm completely devoted to YOUR success...

Because I remember what it was like to be in the same place as you... I remember how irritating it was to feel overshadowed by other guys...

To feel like women barely even notice you...

I know how much that SUCKS... and that's why I'm sharing this life changing information with you...

So before I tell you YOUR price, do me a favor...

Power, Admiration, Respect... YOURS Today

Imagine how different your life would be if you had Unbreakable confidence in yourself, success in your life, and knew you could get command REAL respect and admiration from the people who matter to you the most... because, quite simply, you WON at anything you set out to do...

Imagine how powerful you'd feel, being in control of your life, and your relationships... all because you upgraded with the Unbreakable OS...

The fact that you're still reading this tells me you CARE about your success...

It tells me you're the kind of person that bets on himself and TAKES ACTION to get the results you want in life...

I want to reward you for that my friend... because you DESERVE more in life...

So today, in this limited time offer...

You won't pay our normal retail price of $297...

You won't even pay $197, which is the special discounted price offered in our member's area...

I'm going to take a MAJOR risk and set the price at less than a hundred bucks...

You can get Unbreakable for ONLY $67...

This INCREDIBLE deal won't be available for long...

So if you want the booming sex life and the extraordinary success Unbreakable delivers...

ACT NOW and click the button below...

Yes! Add to cart

HUGE 80% Discount, Ending Soon

I'm giving you over an 80% discount because I want this to be a NO BRAINER for you...

I know what it's like to hem and haw and be on the fence about a purchase, TRUST ME, I've made my fair share of poor investments...

It takes a lot of TRUST to fork over you hard earned money to someone on the internet who you've never met...

I've been there, right where you are right now, staring at the screen wondering if it's worth the risk, struggling to believe the promises are legit...

So I'm going to eliminate that risk for you right now...

So you know without a shadow of a doubt that you can trust me to deliver what I've promised...

Here's the deal...

Enroll in this life changing course RIGHT NOW...

Get The Proven Formula For Success... Completely Risk Free

Yes! Add to cart

It's that simple...

You literally have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain...

Once you start triggering the optimal gene responses in EVERY situation, it'll be like teleporting into the social matrix...

A whole new world of social interaction that you never knew existed will be revealed right before your eyes...

You'll start to see women and the world through the eyes of the world's most confident men...

I'm putting all the risk on my shoulder's because I want you to know what it's like to experience the same groundbreaking transformation I did...

And feel the rush of confidence and excitement that comes with it...

And if I have to risk losing money to do that, then so be it...

It's worth it if it means you finally becoming the man you've always known you can be...

And finally getting the results you DESERVE in life...

All you have to do is click the button below...

Yes! Add to cart

Fences Are For Losers

If you're still on the fence about this, let me make your decision EASY...

I want you to feel like you're getting an amazing deal, one that gets you AMPED up and EXCITED to put this stuff into action...

So I'm going to do something that I don't usually do...

If you purchase unbreakable TODAY, I'm going to add a whopping 4 bonus programs absolutely FREE...

These programs will be the perfect compliment to Unbreakable, giving you all the tools you need to become a MASTER of the social arts...

Check out these AWESOME bonuses...

My Gift To YOU


When You Feel You're Not Good Enough...

Your first bonus is called When You Feel You're Not Good Enough...

This video training will show you EXACTLY how to break free all the limiting beliefs keeping you down and dateless...

It is the perfect compliment to Unbreakable because it will break down in EXPLICIT detail the psychology of self esteem...

Giving you specific tools to replace any negative self beliefs with ones that will open the doors to the land of possibility...

You'll finally feel deserving of all the best things life has to offer...

Never again feel INADEQUATE or INFERIOR...

Combine this with intel you'll learn in Unbreakable, and you'll finally be able to envision the man you're DESTINED to be...

You'll be invigorated with power and self belief that allows you to BURST through any barriers in your path and UNLEASH the beast within...

Freed from the oppressive blanket of doubt that has been keeping you warm in a life of quiet desperation and catapulted into a land of LIMITLESS possibility...

A $97 value by itself, it will be your FREE with your purchase of unbreakable...


7 Commandments of Dating 9's and 10's

Your second bonus is called “7 Commandments of Dating 9's and 10's,” and in my opinion, this is some of the best training I've ever created.

You see, when you step into your new life of masculine power and purpose driven dominance, you're going to start meeting some incredibly hot women. And just like I discovered, you'll find that dating 9's and 10' is different.

They're used to getting what they want, being the center of attention, and having guys shower them with gifts. But that's not the game I want to play, and I bet you feel the same.

So I figured out how to outgun the “Alpha males” guys without spending money, and I've since had a string of relationships with women who are way “out of my league” looks wise.

And I want you discover what it feels like to walk down the street with a perfect 10 on your arm...

This short but powerful training used to go for $197 on its own... but because I want you to win with the highest caliber women, I'm including it with Unbreakable FOR FREE today...


The Breathtaking Hello

All you're approach problems will be solved with this next Bonus... presenting The Breathtaking Hello...

Even though Unbreakable will transform you into the kind of man that women approach regularly, you'll want to know how to sweep her off her feet with a spine tingling approach...

You see a stunner walking down the street and you know you're going to kick yourself if you don't say hi...

You want to be able to walk up to her and smoothly deliver an opener that will make her speechless and WET with anticipation...

So I want to give you the firepower to approach any girl you want, without rejection, and enjoy as she opens up within about 30 seconds...

She'll begin eyeing you up and down, brushing her hair to the side and giving you with that look. That's when you'll KNOW it's working...

If you buy it on it's own, the Breathtaking Hello costs $97, but you're also getting this one FOR FREE today...

Trust me, you're going to LOVE what you learn in this one, it makes approaching beautiful so easy and INSANELY fun...


Endless Conversations

After the approach, you'll need a way to keep the interaction going...

Never again be lost for words or run of of things to say with Endless Conversations...

Look, there's PLENTY of conversation tools in the Unbreakable...

But this is a comprehensive $297 seminar about how to talk to women...

I mean, if you're anything like I was, then sometimes, well, you run out of things to say!

But that will be a thing of the past after you go through this KILLER conversation training course...

You'll learn my dead simple formula for spellbinding conversations...

...and you'll learn EXACTLY which topics to talk about, and which to avoid like the plague.

When I started putting this material to work, women began hanging on my every word.

And I'm not the only one who raves about Endless Conversations. Eugene said...

“I've always been an introvert who didn't know exactly what to say to women. Until I found Endless Conversations, I thought I was going to have to resort to using stuff that other, more clever guys came up with.

But this program was such an excellent investment, easily one of the best I've made! I love that you taught me how to have genuine, authentic conversations about stuff from my own life.

It's super easy the way you broke it down, and it wasn't long before it became unconscious to me. These days, if you put me in a bar or out on a date, I'm unstoppable. Thank you for giving me this amazing gift of gab, it truly changed my life.”


Let's add all this bonus material up so you can see for yourself what an amazing deal you're getting...


You're already getting AMAZING value with the special discounted price that I'm giving away Unbreakable for...

5 awesome bonus programs completely FREE…

Let's add all that up so you can see for yourself the INCREDIBLE value you're getting...

When You Feel You're Not Good Enough, a $97 value

The 7 Commandments of Dating 9's and 10's, a $197 value

Breathtaking Hello, a $97 value

And Endless Conversations, a $297 value

That's $688 worth of material that you'll be getting as part of this special package…

This INSANE deal will only be available for a short time...

I may actually lose money by giving away this much content for free, so because of that I may take this page down at any time...

So if you want access to all these sweet bonus programs without having to pay a dime, ORDER NOW...

Yes! Add to cart

With all this value, and NO RISK whatsoever to you, there's really no reason not to make this life changing investment...

You literally have NOTHING to lose...

If for some reason you're still unsure, let me eliminate that doubt for you RIGHT NOW...

Look, I've already told you EVERYTHING you're going to be learning in Unbreakable, plus all the incredibly helpful bonuses I'm offering

If you're still hear that means you KNOW you want this for yourself...

You see the HUGE benefits and MASSIVE improvements that can be made by applying this proven, highly effective system in your life...

Do This If You Love Yourself

Give yourself the gift of unbreakable confidence...

Expand your capabilities, enhance your potentials...

You'll never feel needy again, or lose a woman because you lost control...

You'll never feel lost or uncertain about who you are, or what your value is...

You'll overcome that nervousness and fear... you'll get that “it” factor back that you might have lost.

Unbreakable is the FASTEST way to bounce back from a toxic relationship...

The easiest way to develop the confidence and charisma that captivates women and makes them OBSESS over you...

And the SIMPLEST way to cure fear, anxiety, or insecurity surrounding your dating life.

It's the “jump start” for any guy who wants to be a winner...

And there's absolutely no risk... nothing to lose...

I would hate to see you miss out on this amazing opportunity to succeed beyond your wildest beliefs...

It won't be available for much longer...

Winners Take Action... Unlock Your Success With One Click

One thing I've noticed about the most successful guys I know is they DON'T HESITATE

When they see something they want, they immediately take action and do whatever it takes to get it...

Those who wait to do the things that really matter end up missing out...losing opportunities to grow and evolve...

I know you don't want to be a loser...

I want this for YOU so badly, it pains me to see guys pass over the chance to take control of their life

I did, and now that I see how amazing it is, I want every guy to experience the RUSH of confidence that comes from realizing your hidden potential...

I am DYING to help you radiate the confident attitude that makes women wet with desire...

But I can't do that if you're not willing to help yourself

If you've read this far it means you recognize how valuable this offer is...

You WANT access to this life changing material...

You CRAVE the unshakable confidence that women find IRRESISTIBLE in a man

So what are you waiting for?

Click the button below and begin your transformation RIGHT NOW!